11:38 AM

It's a random meme

Completely Random Questions:

What's your favorite sports drink? The only one I drink is Gatorade.
Do you wear sunglasses while driving? I don't drive.
What ink cartridge does your printer take? The printer's busted.
Last magazine you read? TIMES magazine. 1998 back-issue.
Do you download music legally or illegally? *tight lipped*
Favorite kind of potato chips? I rarely do junkies.
At around 3:00 PM yesterday you were doing what? Sleeping with a dog on my lap.
How many burned CDs do you have? Two shoeboxes full of them.
Cereal you couldn't live without? Er..Koko Krunch?
What's the one thing you couldn't afford to leave behind on a vacation? Myself.
Can you watch golf on TV for more than 15 minutes? There aren't any golf events televised on the channels I usually watch.
Ever gone bungee jumping? Yes.
How about jumping on a trampoline? That, too.
What does a CPA do? Aren't CPAs accountants?
Do you still live with your parents? I'm still a minor, so yes.
Temperature outside? Freaky sunny.
Ever read a motivational book? It has been a long time since I've last a book that's neither a textbook nor a novel.
What kind of toothpaste do you use? Happy Toothpaste.
Best pizza place in town? Sbarro. Or Pizza Hut if I'm into greasy stuff.
How many friends on your MySpace list? I don't have a MySpace account.
How many of those do you know personally? Ugh.
Ever stomped on an ant and felt like Godzilla? No. That's too silly.
Best computer game is? Anything that involves seek-and-find, like the Hidden Adventures series.
If you had 24 hours to live, what would you do?
Would you like to ride around in a tank just for the hell of it? What kind of tank? Underwater ones? That'd be cool. I won't say no to military ones, either.
Last movie you saw? Indiana Jones.
Was it any good or was it terrible? It was better than most.
Coke or Pepsi? Neither. I rarely do softdrinks.
How bad are your allergies? It triggers every single morning.
Remember MC Hammer? Who or what is that?
Are you superior to Chuck Norris? Who is he anyway?
How many pairs of socks do you own? 20 and counting.
How does this survey compare to others that you've taken? Short and typical. I've answered wackier ones.

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