12:55 PM

Riknata's 08 Yuletide Wishlist v1.5

Darn. Blogger doesn't allow publishing of posts dated in the future.

Oh well.

The start of the Yuletide holidays has come, well, for us Filipinos
anyway. As tradition, we agents of DUH are to start listing down our 08
wishlist [Hey, even dream assassins have a right to be childish
sometimes. XD]

Therefore, here's mine. It's bound to be updated anytime, though. So drop by once in a while.

I'm talking, of course, to my Santa Claus this year. I wonder who'll it be?



>> A first semester class card filled with grades ranging from 1 to 2.

/>> A laptop that is compatible with my Computer Science student
lifestyle. It should be a combination of any of the following qualities:
---lightweight [not a priority]
---reasonably priced [top priority]
memory to store MS Word, Powerpoint, Frontpage and Excel, Notepad++,
Codeblocks, a decent antivirus freeware, Paint [I'd be too ambitious to
include Adobe Photoshop CS2 or CS3], Mozilla Firefox, and Windows Media
---durable [the perfect durability test is checking its functionality after being dropped]

/>> A turtle plushie, preferably one whose shell is larger than my head

/>> A lolita-esque vest

>> An mp3 player that can store at least 800+ songs

>> A decent, handy-dandy, heavy-duty, large memory digicam

>> A whole week devoted to literary and creative indulgement

/>> A genuine Asian Ball Joint Doll

There...initial wish list done. To avoid confusion, I'll just add postscripts in this part whenever I edited my WS. Watch out for future versions, people!

Argh...I forgot Frontpage in my wishlist...

Being so wrapped up with my plans for my laptop, I totally forgot one of my short-term goals: a digicam.

I'm totally deprived of my luxuries. I'm beginning to experience withdrawal symptoms.

I finally copied this to my Blogger account. n_n
I also added a new wish. :D
Ever noticed how, except the first one, all of my wishies are considerably pricey?
Good luck, Santa. Whoever you are this year.

Agent Riknata
Intelligence Department
Asian Charter
Dream Underground Headquarters

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