9:59 PM

Supposedly 101-question meme. Supposedly.

001: Name: Riknata.

002. Nicknames: Riknata, Rik, Kat, Kan (new one).

003. Single or taken: Happily single.

004. Zodiac Sign: Taurus.

005. Male or Female: Female, so my birth certificate claims.

006. Elementary School: Bagong Barangay Elementary School.

007. iPod: Don't have one.

008. Screename: Riknata.

___Your Appearance___

010. Hair Color: Black (what do you call people who's naturally sporting black hair, anyway?).

013. Hair Long or Short: Long.

014. Eye Color: Black.

015. How do your nails look: Neatly trimmed (I just clipped them this morning.).

016. Height: 5”10.

017. Do you have a crush on someone? Yeah.

018. Do you like yourself? No.

019. Braces? No.

020. Think you're awesome?: I just said I don't like myself, didn't I?

021. Piercings: Ear piercings only.

022. Tattoo: None.

023. Righty or Lefty: Righty, and currently learning how to be a lefty.

___Your 'Firsts'___

024. Surgery: Haven't been through one yet.

025. First piercing: First birthday.

026. First best friend: Can't remember, honestly.

027. First Award: Perfect attendance and best conduct (I'm not bluffing).

028. First Sport You Joined: Karate.

029. First pet: Snail, a garden snail specifically.

030. First vacation?: Can't remember.

031. First Concert: Haven't attended one. I prefer stage plays.

032. First love: Neil.


033. Movie: Labyrinth. Second place goes to Mirrormask.

034. Favorite TV show: Criminal Minds.

035. Color(s): Black, red, blue, green, grey.

037. Song: Don't have one.

038. Food: Pizza!

039. Drink: Earl gray. Milk tea comes close second.

040. Body part(on a boy/girl): Deh eyes.

041. Sport played: Swimming, karate, badminton.

042. Favorite piece of clothing: Hoodies.

043. Brand Of Clothing?: I'm not brand-choosy.

044. What do you sleep with?: My plushies.

045. School: Necessary fun.

046. Animal(s): Cats, and turtles.

047. Books: It's hard to choose when you have one too many.

048. Magazines: None.


049. Eating: Nothing.

050. I'm drinking: Dihydromonoxide.

052. I'm about to: Sleep by ten thirty.

053. Listening to: Alone by Heart.

055. Wanting To: Study CS21 but is not currently motivated to do so.

056. Watching: Nothing, duh, I'm answering this.

057. Wearing: Large shirt and shorts.

___Your Future___

058. Want Kids?: Yes.

059. Want to Get Married?: Not in my priority list but not against the idea either.

060. Careers in Mind: To be Bill Gates's successor.

__Which is better with the Opposite Sex__

068. Lips or Eyes: Eyes

069. Hugs or Kisses: Huggles.

070. Shorter or Taller: Taller than me, at least.

072. Romantic or Spontaneous: Spontaneous, romantic stuffs are usually cliché.

073. nice stomach or nice arms: Arms. Oh, wait, ABS BABY!! Kidding. I'm serious with my first answer.

074. Sensitive or Loud: Whatever the situation calls for.

075. Hook-up or Relationship: Hook-ups are for ninjas.

076. Sweet or Caring: Don't they come as a single package?

077. Trouble Maker or Hesitant?: The lovable ones are usually the psychotic ones as well.

___Have you ever___

078. Kissed a Stranger: Yeah.

079. Drank bubbles: If you mean champaigne, yes. :P

080. Lost glasses/contacts: Yeah. But I don't need contacts so it doesn't matter. Yay perfect vision.

081. Ran Away From Home: I call it college.

082. Broken a bone: Nope.

083. Got an X-ray: Yeah.

084. Broken Someone's Heart: I guess.

086. Turned Someone Down: Yup.

087. Cried When Someone Died: Bawled.

088. Cried at school: Yup.

___Do You Believe In___

089. God: Yes.

090. Miracles: Yes.

091. Love at first sight: Yes.

093. Aliens: 50-50.

094. Magic: Yes.

095. Heaven: Yes.

096. Hell: Yes.

097. Sex on the first date: Am not a whore.

098. Kissing on the First Date: Frankly, my mind has not yet constructed its ideal date in detail. All it has conceptualized is the place, which is somewhere in Venice.

099. Angels: Yes.

___Answer Truthfully___

100. Is There someone You Want To be with right now: Yes.

A/N: I have a weird feeling that this thing is a recycled meme which, once again, lured innocent memers by its numerical claim from its title. I have answered a segment of this before (it might have been two days ago, actually, but I'm not totally sure), and yes, I'm starting to wonder the intelligence level of the people who makes the titles.

Then again, maybe the whole point is to lure meme-hunters into answering these.

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